

Benefits of chocolate for health and arousal

Almost everyone likes chocolate food, and it turns out that there are many benefits of chocolate for health if consumed naturally. Chocolate derived from cocoa plants (Theobroma cacao) which originally grew around the American mainland, used to be chocolate as a drink, the virtual tribe at that time drank chocolate almost every day as a fatigue reliever and a spirit generator, but lately chocolate bars are more popular in among the people, various innovations are created from a kind of sponge cake to unique and interesting forms. Chocolate contains ingredients that are believed to have physiological effects in the body so that they can cause feelings of pleasure, relaxation and passion.

Here are some benefits of chocolate for body health:

1. Reduces stress.
Like the benefits of coffee, the content of alkaloids contained in chocolate can stimulate the formation of endophrin which creates a feeling of relaxed, happy and happy, so in the advertisement of a famous chocolate product, said that "relax is incomplete without ..."

2. Prevent and reduce the risk of high blood pressure, stroke and even cancer.
A study says that substances contained in chocolate can inhibit cancer cell division and reduce inflammation, other natural ingredients function as anti-oxidants that function to counteract free radicals in the body and help reduce high blood pressure and reduce symptoms of stroke.

3. Prevent premature aging.
Consuming chocolate regularly can inhibit wrinkles on the skin and protect the skin from the risk of sunburn. In addition, chocolate can also be used as a body scrub which is believed to tighten the skin.

4. Increases Libido.
Other researchers found that women who routinely consume chocolate had a higher sexual desire, they claimed to feel more relaxed and passionate during sexual activity after eating a bar of chocolate.

5. Prevent tooth decay.
Some people think that chocolate will damage teeth, this assumption is not entirely correct, cocoa actually contains substances that can kill bacteria that cause tartar formation.

All these benefits certainly will not be optimal when consumed in excess, if anyone has other knowledge about the benefits of chocolate please comment.

May be useful.
Benefits of chocolate for health and arousal Benefits of chocolate for health and arousal Reviewed by Mysterio on September 14, 2018 Rating: 5


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