

Tips for buying a used car - some important things must be considered

It's been a long time since I wrote an article on this blog, I know my busyness lately is so crowded, to start blogging activities again, I will share about tips on buying a used car.
It is undeniable that the used car is still a prima donna even though there have been many cheap new cars coming out with low installments, but for some people buying a used car has its own art, sometimes people feel proud when we get a used car that is still smooth and the engine is still pretty good. Well if you plan to buy a used car, here are some tips that you can use as a reference.

Tips on buying a used car

Browse first to get a picture of the used car you need, for example the type of car the market price, the condition when the car being targeted is still new and others (don't forget Google is our friend). Remember, distinguish between needs and desires, adjust to the budget owned, the location of the place of residence whether the road is smooth or a lot of holes, adjust the area of ​​the garage you have, adjust to the number of families and so forth. Use your time as wide as possible, do not rush in hunting used cars, maybe you will regret later.

After getting a picture of the car that is needed, the next tips on buying a used car is to check the scene to see the condition of the car directly. Some things that need to be considered technically are, body, try tapping the car body slowly if the car is still good, usually it sounds loud, it means the condition of the car body is still smooth without putty and or welding marks, do not forget to check the curved lines of the body still straight and regular. Then check also under the car if there are parts that are rusty or porous especially on the floor of the car, if you plan to buy a used sedan type car, it is also important to check the foot of the car. Next open the hood and try to check the condition of the engine, if you are still unfamiliar about the condition of the engine, you should invite friends who understand the car engine especially for European cars usually the spare part price is also expensive, other things with Japanese cars besides the engine is stubborn, the price of the spare part is relatively cheaper.

Try turning on the car and listening to the sound whether the sound is smooth or even out of strange noises, see also the exhaust section, usually for gasoline-fueled cars do not come out of smoke, it's also good to feel the vibration on the gear lever, if it vibrates in the state of the engine that means there is a problem with the gearbox, all of you also check the dashboard panel whether it looks neat or messy, also check the condition of the lights, because the electricity problem is also important in seeing the condition of used cars.

Test drives are also important in choosing and buying a used car, in addition to feeling the pull of the engine as well as to get a picture of the condition of the legs and the steering wheel of the car we are going to buy.

Next, check the completeness of the letters, adjust the frame number and the engine number printed on the physical car with the document.

The last tip is to be patient, do not rush to make decisions, do not be easily tempted by the condition of a smooth car, make sure all the conditions of the car, body, engine, legs, electricity, documents and so on are in accordance with what you need.

So some tips on buying a used car that I can share here, this article I obtained from some literature, hopefully useful.
Tips for buying a used car - some important things must be considered Tips for buying a used car - some important things must be considered Reviewed by Mysterio on September 14, 2018 Rating: 5


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