

Does the body rarely sweat, can it become dehydrated?

Dehydration or lack of fluids can occur due to various conditions, one of which is excessive sweat production. On the other hand, a body that rarely sweats turns out to end in dehydration. Do you know this?

Keep in mind, sweating is the body's mechanism to restore temperature to the normal range. The body has a set point of temperature, which when there is an increase in ambient temperature or in the body, the set point will trigger a series of activities to adjust body temperature.

The way the body lowers the temperature is by the mechanism of evaporation of sweat through the skin and dilates of blood vessels. On the other hand, if the ambient temperature is cold, the body will produce heat to keep the temperature normal by repeating muscle contractions (shivering) and reducing the diameter of the blood vessels.

Dehydration even though you rarely sweat
Dehydration occurs when the amount of fluid that comes out of the body is more than that which enters. Research says that losing more than 2 percent of body fluids will also cause damage to the temperature set point function in the body.

Loss of body fluids can occur, one of them during exercise. The mechanism of thirst itself can be stimulated by various factors, and unfortunately, when exercising the body is less sensitive to feeling thirsty.

Worse, the thirst can be increasingly felt when someone is exercising in a fitness center that has an air-conditioned room. Things like that which then make someone really forget that his body is 'screaming' asking for additional fluid supply. If not followed, dehydration will surely occur.

Is there a way to prevent such events? There is! Here are the tips:

Drink water approximately 400–600 ml two to three hours before you start exercising.
During exercise, drink 150-350 water every 15-20 minutes. Adjust this to the type of exercise, environmental conditions, and condition of your body.
After exercise, drink 450-675 ml of water for every loss of 0.5 kg of body weight during exercise.

The danger behind dehydration

If dehydration is already happening, you must make every effort to get rid of this condition immediately. If not, here are some health problems that can arise as a result:

The work of the organ is disturbed
Body fluids that come out and are not replaced immediately can make blood volume drop dramatically. This situation can cause the supply of oxygen to all cells of the body to experience disruption, so that the performance of vital organs also experience problems.

Organs that experience interference will continue to cause a slow decline in body function. The blood supply continues to decrease, and the brain does not get enough oxygen to work. This will cause a comma.

Kidney failure
The kidneys need enough fluid to digest urine. If the amount of fluid is lacking, kidney function will experience interference. In the end, kidney function can stop altogether.

Vital organs that lack fluid will continue to experience worsening conditions. If this condition continues until protracted, death can no longer be avoided.

Always remember that dehydration can occur when the body releases a lot of sweat or not. Therefore, it is very important for you to continue to meet the needs of body fluids by drinking eight glasses of water a day. Don't ignore, dehydration lurks!
Does the body rarely sweat, can it become dehydrated? Does the body rarely sweat, can it become dehydrated? Reviewed by Mysterio on September 05, 2018 Rating: 5


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