

Don't Misinterpret Symptoms of Liver Fatty as Stomach Disorders

When the stomach feels pain or nausea, stomach disorders are often considered to be the cause. Though there are various other disorders that can cause it, including fatty liver or fatty liver.
As the second largest organ in the body, the liver functions to process whatever is consumed and filter everything that can harm the body. The formation of fatty liver (steatosis) can interfere with this function. Fatty liver occurs when the liver is covered with fat more than 5% of the total weight of the liver.
Recognizing the Difference in Fatty Liver with Gastric Disorders
Fatty liver can be divided into several types, namely fatty liver in consuming alcohol (alcoholic fatty liver), non-alcoholic (nonalcoholic fatty liver / NAFL), and that occurs during pregnancy. All types of fatty liver are characterized by a number of symptoms, except for non-alcoholic fatty liver.
When fatty liver has been running for some time, it is possible for the sufferer to experience pain in the upper right abdomen, fatigue, and weight loss. There are also other symptoms such as nausea, confusion, or difficulty concentrating. The skin of the neck or armpit looks black.
At first glance, the symptoms of fatty liver are similar to gastric gastric disorders. The symptoms of gastritis are similar to fatty liver, which is nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite. However, the pain of gastritis is usually felt in the upper abdomen. If it is severe, this pain is usually also accompanied by vomiting of blood or red stools.
In addition to gastric gastric disorders, gastric and intestinal infections or gastroenteritis also have symptoms similar to fatty liver, namely nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and weight loss. It's just that this disease is generally accompanied by fever, headaches, or muscle aches.
Conduct an examination to the doctor
To ensure the condition of the liver, the doctor will perform a physical examination, especially the abdomen. The liver organ will feel slightly enlarged when touched. Examination can be continued with a blood test. Possible tests will show liver enzymes higher than normal limits if true fatty liver occurs.
If inadequate, patients will be asked to undergo an ultrasound, CT scan, or MRI examination, to clarify how much fat is in the liver. Further examination can be done with a liver biopsy. A biopsy will confirm the condition of the fatty liver as well as its cause.
The appearance of fatty liver can be affected by several types of diseases. Some conditions or diseases that can increase the risk of fatty liver include high cholesterol and triglyceride levels, obesity, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, hypothyroidism, sleep disorders, and others.
How to Overcome Fatty Liver
The condition of fatty liver cannot be treated or performed surgery. Generally, doctors will provide recommendations to reduce risk factors by improving lifestyle. For example limiting alcohol consumption, maintaining stability of cholesterol and blood sugar levels and losing weight.
In addition, doctors will also advise patients to choose healthier foods to improve fatty liver conditions, for example by replacing red meat with chicken or fish, and eating more vegetables, fruits and whole grains.
The doctor may also recommend fatty liver patients to get hepatitis A and B vaccinations. This is needed to help protect the body from viruses that can worsen liver damage.
Apply a healthy lifestyle to prevent liver disorders. Then, don't mistake the symptoms of fatty liver as another condition. Immediately consult a doctor to ascertain the cause of the symptoms you are experiencing and the right way to deal with them.
Don't Misinterpret Symptoms of Liver Fatty as Stomach Disorders Don't Misinterpret Symptoms of Liver Fatty as Stomach Disorders Reviewed by Mysterio on September 28, 2018 Rating: 5


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